Benedict Sheehan
I'm an artist / programmer. I like to think of myself as being able to use technology in a creative way.
This is an informal blog, please find me on linked in for a more uptodate and comprehensive listing.
Involved in many diverse projects, read on...
> Water Curtain - using Kinect
Rain v4
A new version of my Rain but using the kinect to enable correct depth testing.
Means that the Rain can truly be a curtain. More like the original waterfall effect I wanted.
Great kit this Kinect :-D
[c++, opencv, opengl, libsfreenect]
A new version of my Rain but using the kinect to enable correct depth testing.
Means that the Rain can truly be a curtain. More like the original waterfall effect I wanted.
Great kit this Kinect :-D
[c++, opencv, opengl, libsfreenect]