Benedict Sheehan
Welcome to my website blog.
I'm an artist / programmer. I like to think of myself as being able to use technology in a creative way.

This is an informal blog, please find me on linked in for a more uptodate and comprehensive listing.

Involved in many diverse projects, read on...


Magic Mirror #2

The new iteration of the Magic Mirror was exhibited in Boston USA at the SIGGRAPH 2006 Art Gallery, chaired by Bonnie Mitchell.
See 'Magic Mirror' for the previous entry.

I would like to thank all the people that interacted with the Magic Mirror - for their comments and for the look of delight on their faces!

I would also like to thank Bonnie Mitchell and Sue Gollifer and the rest of the SIGGRAPH Art Gallery team. And I would like to recommend the exhibition of Charles Csuri and thank Janice Glowski for curating his exhibition.

Thanks to Peachpit for posting a short clip of the Magic Mirror with interview.

Click 'here' to see more of my art works.

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