Benedict Sheehan
I'm an artist / programmer. I like to think of myself as being able to use technology in a creative way.
This is an informal blog, please find me on linked in for a more uptodate and comprehensive listing.
Involved in many diverse projects, read on...
> Magic Mirror
I produced the original exhibit the 'Magic Mirror' for the Big Blip 05. Commissioned to produce an interactive exhibit, it suddenly dawned on me that instead of projecting the reflection of the participant with the computer graphics added; why didn't I try using the REAL reflection? ie: a mirror.
'The Magic Mirror takes an interactive tool which we all use daily, the mirror, and uses its familiarity to create a jerk into the extraordinary.
Stand in front of the Magic Mirror and you can summon and interact with sprites by moving your hands in front of you.'
A new iteration, Magic Mirror #2 Butterflied has been accepted into the SIGGRAPH 2006 Art Gallery to be exhibited in Boston.
By using a mirror as an interface, the participant is sucked unawares into a new place. The initial delight which they encounter with the interface allows me as an artist to take them on a route in which they reach deeper into the realms of exploration.
The magic mirror is accessible to all. From young to old, from artist to geek, transgender and transculture, all are familiar with the mirror as an interface.
I am currently working on a series of art works using the mirror as an interface....
I look forward to taking more people into strange places....
watch this space....